Thats So Awesome Logo 2022 png


That's So Awesome

That's So Awesome is here to inspire simplistic creativity by challenging our customers to design outside of the box.

Hi, we are IE and Chello (mother and son) and while working on inspiring and serving our incredible customers, we're also getting ready for this weeks new movie releases. #moviebuffs

We have awesome deep conversations at lunch everyday (discussing life: past, present, and future - and of course a little gossip.) The idea of launching a store with products designed to have our customers flex their mind muscle with one of a kind passion and desire while spreading much needed creative inspiration is shared in our every talk.

Our mission is to serve our community's creative mind and create opportunities for our customers to reach an inspirational level of self gratitude. Some call it diy (do it yourself), we say #createdbyyou -because your life is about you. Let's build this creative inspiration - That's So Awesome!


That's So Awesome

That's So Awesome is here to inspire simplistic creativity by challenging our customers to design outside of the box.

Hi, we are IE and Chello (mother and son) and while working on inspiring and serving our incredible customers, we're also getting ready for this weeks new movie releases. #moviebuffs

We have awesome deep conversations at lunch everyday (discussing life: past, present, and future - and of course a little gossip.) The idea of launching a store with products designed to have our customers flex their mind muscle with one of a kind passion and desire while spreading much needed creative inspiration is shared in our every talk.

Our mission is to serve our community's creative mind and create opportunities for our customers to reach an inspirational level of self gratitude. Some call it diy (do it yourself), we say #createdbyyou -because your life is about you. Let's build this creative inspiration - That's So Awesome!

Marchello Sciortino (Chello)

Diagnosed at 14, Chello has trooped with a degenerative neuro-muscular condition called Friedreich's Ataxia (FA.) Despite his limitations, the dude is super strong, confident, and handsome af! Chello founded That's So Awesome with his mom (IE.)

Alicia Sciortino (IE)

The passionate support and creative mind, this lady is incredible! IE is the spiritual and inspirational guide with That's So Awesome and to her son (Chello.) Together they are unstoppable! With artistic and creative design, she is the motivator.

That's So Awesome is a branch of So Chello Enterprises LLC | Copyright 2023

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